Monday, July 6, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Groupon - shopping is easy!

Groupon is a global e-commerce mobile apps which can let people purchase discount coupon online. Users will be easier to do online purchase and also purchase different types of things. 

However, online purchase have to take the risk and the product that customers purchase might be bad quality.

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)


Nike+ is an activity tracker application and help user to figure out the related details such as mileage and time after work out. It can show the previous figure and compare the results. 

User need to install the application in their mobile or ipod then bring it when work out. It might cause some inconvenient

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)

Things you may need to know about BLOGGING

Today, there are over 150 million blogs on the Internet, which makes for pretty big growth. Without a doubt, Google has made the Blogger and WordPress as a platform for users to create their own blog site easily and without costs. Blogger is highly attractive for its completely free model – there are no restrictions, if Blogger can do it, so can you.

Hereby, I would like to share some benefits of blogging for the everyday person. Do you aware of Blog can actually be an online profile?

 With companies linked to the technology niche, it is common practice to research the online profiles of prospective job candidates for position vacancies, allowing companies to execute a more targeted search for talent and recruit experienced applicants. Because of this, blogging can be an asset to job applicants and employees who want to showcase their portfolio, work experience, and knowledge.

According to this article, the only way to become a better writer is to write – pages and pages, day after day. It’s no doubt that writing a blog could help to improve one’s writing skills. There are only two ways to become a better writer – either by reading voraciously or by writing regularly. We know that an active blogger will regularly produce thousands of works of content each week. The more you write, the more organized and on-point your thinking and analysis will be.

Last but not shell, there is one good thing I like about Blogger platform is that it might allow you to make some pocket money. One gains a good exposure of their blog content besides being able to enjoy a profit from monetising the site with Google ads. Google ads are one of the most profitable website ads out there that you are able to maximise your profits by creating good contents on your blog site with better exposure and traffic for monetisation.

Author: KOH YEE CHIANG (B1400838)

Mobile Banking and Commerce


The rapid technological advances in mobile-based technologies have created opportunities for new and innovative mobile services. Some of the most promising, while still marginally adopted, is mobile banking. Many commercial banks in Malaysia have tried to introduce mobile banking systems to improve their operations and reduce costs because bank branches alone are no longer adequate to provide banking services to cater the needs of demanding customers. Therefore, the provision of banking services through mobile banking has provided an alternative means to acquire banking services very convenience and timely to bank customers.

In May 2009, Maybank became the first financial institution in Malaysia to introduce a free banking application, M2UMap on the newly launch iPhone. Later, CIMB Clicks was introduced by CIMB Bank Berhad which went on to be the most popular and widely used banking app in Malaysia. Ostensibly, almost all the bank in Malaysia offers mobile banking services.


While mobile banking apps let us pay our bills, check account balances and deposit checks right from our smartphones – all of which can save trips to the bank and make life a bit easier. However, security concerns about using these apps abound and shouldn’t be taken lightly.
For your information, mobile banking is still a relatively new practice that carries numerous risks, from the presence of malware on apps, fake banking apps created by fraudsters, data hacking on public Wi-Fi networks, and all the issues that can arise if you lose your smartphone.

Please click on the links on articles and here for the reference: 

Author: KOH YEE CHIANG (B1400838)

Waze - no need to worry on the journey!

An apps that can bring you anywhere you want. Before your journey starts, enter the destination's name and choose the routes.

The best thing of this apps is that it will bring you to the shortest and fastest routes when you are in a heavy traffic jam. From time to time, you can earn points and get some cute character.

It helps a lot for those who cannot remember the way when driving. However, it's dangerous when we're using it in our journey. It is because there are so many alerts keep showing up when you're using the apps. Also, many of us will pick up the phone when there is some incoming message or calls.  According to the law, we should not use/holding our phone when driving.

So, please concentrate on the road and not the phone.

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)


Snapchat is a video messaging application which users can take photo or record video and send to the recipients. This application makes people easier to contact with others instead of messaging or calling. Sender can set the time limit to view the photo and believe the pictures are destroyed within few seconds of viewing. Although it is able to set the limit of photo viewing, people still can screenshot to save the photos.

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)