Wednesday, July 1, 2015

shopping with instagram and pinterest app!

Stiles Clothing

Recently, instagram has become a platform where online shops post their pictures on instagram to showcase their items for sale to their customers instead of a blog. Customers are able to make their order by dropping these online shops a personal messages on instagram, as simple as that! Also, the sellers are also able to know their customers liking's or most popular item etc by looking at the number of "likes" on a particular picture featuring the item they are selling. 

According to this article , Pinterest has also began to evolve with new shopping features with their new tools on their website. 

Pinterest & Instagram 2015

Pinterest has made this tool user friendly by allowing users to search for a product by price to tailor items to a given user and their budget with easy payment methods such as credit card. 

Pinterest and instagram have certainly made shopping online a whole lot interesting and easier!

Author: Joohijit Kaur (B1203073)

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