Monday, July 6, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Groupon - shopping is easy!

Groupon is a global e-commerce mobile apps which can let people purchase discount coupon online. Users will be easier to do online purchase and also purchase different types of things. 

However, online purchase have to take the risk and the product that customers purchase might be bad quality.

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)


Nike+ is an activity tracker application and help user to figure out the related details such as mileage and time after work out. It can show the previous figure and compare the results. 

User need to install the application in their mobile or ipod then bring it when work out. It might cause some inconvenient

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)

Things you may need to know about BLOGGING

Today, there are over 150 million blogs on the Internet, which makes for pretty big growth. Without a doubt, Google has made the Blogger and WordPress as a platform for users to create their own blog site easily and without costs. Blogger is highly attractive for its completely free model – there are no restrictions, if Blogger can do it, so can you.

Hereby, I would like to share some benefits of blogging for the everyday person. Do you aware of Blog can actually be an online profile?

 With companies linked to the technology niche, it is common practice to research the online profiles of prospective job candidates for position vacancies, allowing companies to execute a more targeted search for talent and recruit experienced applicants. Because of this, blogging can be an asset to job applicants and employees who want to showcase their portfolio, work experience, and knowledge.

According to this article, the only way to become a better writer is to write – pages and pages, day after day. It’s no doubt that writing a blog could help to improve one’s writing skills. There are only two ways to become a better writer – either by reading voraciously or by writing regularly. We know that an active blogger will regularly produce thousands of works of content each week. The more you write, the more organized and on-point your thinking and analysis will be.

Last but not shell, there is one good thing I like about Blogger platform is that it might allow you to make some pocket money. One gains a good exposure of their blog content besides being able to enjoy a profit from monetising the site with Google ads. Google ads are one of the most profitable website ads out there that you are able to maximise your profits by creating good contents on your blog site with better exposure and traffic for monetisation.

Author: KOH YEE CHIANG (B1400838)

Mobile Banking and Commerce


The rapid technological advances in mobile-based technologies have created opportunities for new and innovative mobile services. Some of the most promising, while still marginally adopted, is mobile banking. Many commercial banks in Malaysia have tried to introduce mobile banking systems to improve their operations and reduce costs because bank branches alone are no longer adequate to provide banking services to cater the needs of demanding customers. Therefore, the provision of banking services through mobile banking has provided an alternative means to acquire banking services very convenience and timely to bank customers.

In May 2009, Maybank became the first financial institution in Malaysia to introduce a free banking application, M2UMap on the newly launch iPhone. Later, CIMB Clicks was introduced by CIMB Bank Berhad which went on to be the most popular and widely used banking app in Malaysia. Ostensibly, almost all the bank in Malaysia offers mobile banking services.


While mobile banking apps let us pay our bills, check account balances and deposit checks right from our smartphones – all of which can save trips to the bank and make life a bit easier. However, security concerns about using these apps abound and shouldn’t be taken lightly.
For your information, mobile banking is still a relatively new practice that carries numerous risks, from the presence of malware on apps, fake banking apps created by fraudsters, data hacking on public Wi-Fi networks, and all the issues that can arise if you lose your smartphone.

Please click on the links on articles and here for the reference: 

Author: KOH YEE CHIANG (B1400838)

Waze - no need to worry on the journey!

An apps that can bring you anywhere you want. Before your journey starts, enter the destination's name and choose the routes.

The best thing of this apps is that it will bring you to the shortest and fastest routes when you are in a heavy traffic jam. From time to time, you can earn points and get some cute character.

It helps a lot for those who cannot remember the way when driving. However, it's dangerous when we're using it in our journey. It is because there are so many alerts keep showing up when you're using the apps. Also, many of us will pick up the phone when there is some incoming message or calls.  According to the law, we should not use/holding our phone when driving.

So, please concentrate on the road and not the phone.

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)


Snapchat is a video messaging application which users can take photo or record video and send to the recipients. This application makes people easier to contact with others instead of messaging or calling. Sender can set the time limit to view the photo and believe the pictures are destroyed within few seconds of viewing. Although it is able to set the limit of photo viewing, people still can screenshot to save the photos.

Author: Liew Chin Ching (B1401966)

Photo editing apps - don't post photos too often

Nowadays, there are many photo editing apps, for example B612, Camera 360, Beauty Cam and etc.. It allow us to edit (touch up) our photos.

For example, if you feel that your acne or pimples are making you ugly, you can remove it from your face easily with just one click. If you want bigger eyes or brighter smile, just click some button then you can be as beautiful as you want.

Photo editing has become a trend. Most of us will edit our photos before posting it to any social apps like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

This has made us exposure to the public. When our photos post to social apps from time to time, it has caused us in dangerous. Strangers are able to look through our photos. When you check-in in any social apps, they are able to find us from the information that we accidentally share with them.

So, be extra careful when you post any photo. If you want to know more about the pro and cons of the photo editing apps, kindly refer to this article.

Author: Chan Yoon Wei (B1402005)

Educational apps for children

There are many educational mobile apps for children to learn and play. You can check out this article to see what's the best educational apps for your child.

Children can listen to stories, play music games and etc.. This can boost children creativity and gain some basic knowledge.

However, many parents usually download all those apps in their phone, Ipad or tablets and let their children to play with mobile devices. It has caused children more rely on mobile devices and facilitate the antisocial phenomena when they grow up. Parents should always accompany their children to learn and not the mobile devices. It is ok to let them learn from these apps but please make sure that set a limit for example 15 minutes per day.

Lastly, please think before when you buy your child a smartphone or mobile devices. Don't hesitate to refer to this website for a guide whether to buy your child a mobile phone.

Author: Chan Yoon Wei (B1402005)

It's All About Instagramming

Instagram is a popular photo-sharing app for smartphones. It is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures.
Today, you can post photos and videos up to 15 seconds in length through the app or upload from your device. Besides, you have a whole bunch of extra filter options up to 24 filters you can choose to apply to photos, while 13 for videos. Not to mentioned, you can adjust the brightness, contrast, warmth, saturation, highlights, sharpness and cover frame if it’s a video and editing features.
There are some people thinking that posting just pictures on Instagram will end up encouraging the “selfie” trend amongst the society as they spend too much time on capturing photos of themselves and editing. This phenomenon will lead an individual to be obsessed over looks and body figure especially when they frequently compare themselves with those instagrammers that have good looks and good body.

Furthermore, Instagram could be a great platform for the food hunter to seek about good food. As we noticed that, instagrammers love sharing a variety images of their favourite dishes from lots of different locations on Instagram With this, their fellow followers would then know where they are enjoying the meal by tagging their location and later recommend it to their friends and family.

Reference kindly refer to this article.

Author: KOH YEE CHIANG (B1400838)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

shopping with instagram and pinterest app!

Stiles Clothing

Recently, instagram has become a platform where online shops post their pictures on instagram to showcase their items for sale to their customers instead of a blog. Customers are able to make their order by dropping these online shops a personal messages on instagram, as simple as that! Also, the sellers are also able to know their customers liking's or most popular item etc by looking at the number of "likes" on a particular picture featuring the item they are selling. 

According to this article , Pinterest has also began to evolve with new shopping features with their new tools on their website. 

Pinterest & Instagram 2015

Pinterest has made this tool user friendly by allowing users to search for a product by price to tailor items to a given user and their budget with easy payment methods such as credit card. 

Pinterest and instagram have certainly made shopping online a whole lot interesting and easier!

Author: Joohijit Kaur (B1203073)

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!


Facebook and Apple have developed their apps to become places to get the daily news. The Pew Research Center found that almost a third of adults in the United States used Facebook to read or watch the news.  This allows users to spend more time on the app. Facebook has made the news more reader-friendly by allowing the news to be read on the app in a mini-tab on the browser. 


The rise in such news apps brings a threat to more traditional news sources and one might even question the authenticity of the news read on social media apps like Facebook.   Even if tech companies like Apple are merely providing a news platform for already established news sources, the companies are making judgement calls about story selection and placement which encroaches journalism territory and that could have consequences on the future of journalism.

The article this post is based on can be found here.

Author: Shasha Fernandez (B1401973)

A Very Pinteresting Wedding

The world of Pinterest is one of fresh ideas and abundant creativity. It is a dreamers haven. Users come to Pinterest to post and organize new ideas and to browse through other people’s ideas on anything from home decor to food.


This article explores both sides of the coin with the app. While the app does offer insightful ideas for that upcoming wedding or keeping up with new fashion trends, it can also become a distraction for users as they waste time endlessly browsing. Getting addicted to Pinterest is definitely a big concern with using the app. One could spend hours and hours just browsing through things that just look pretty. It is like window shopping but you can curl up in bed and browse away. 

The term ‘Pinterest wedding’ has become a common phrase used as many people, --
engaged or otherwise—plan their weddings with similar styles. If someone is not even in a relationship but is obsessed with the wedding boards on Pinterest, it might be a bit of an unnecessary waste of time. However, it does indeed offer up countless creative ideas and could be useful when one finally does have to plan that wedding.

Links referenced in this post can be found here and here.

Author: Shasha Fernandez (B1401973)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

TED unlimited talks

TED, Ideas Worth Spreading.

Now you can listen or precisely - watch various type of talks in your phone. TED is an apps which contains over 100+ topics for example adventure, DNA, economics and leadership.

Let's say you only have 5 minutes while waiting for public transport, you can actually watch a talk in that short period of time. In this case, TED has provided a function which you can choose any talks by choosing the time you have.

Clearly, TED is no harmful for all of us. We can gain knowledge. It's a good way to learn more but we should adventure this wonderful by ourselves rather than sitting on the sofa and watching videos and assume that we knew everything. 

For your interest, kindly refer to this article for the 15 terrific talks for new media students. 

Author: Chan Yoon Wei (B1402005)

Issues of Social Media (fueled by Mobile Apps) Part 2

Social media creates new issues for Malaysians. One of which is online harrassment. According to this articleThe level of online harassment is reportedly high at above 70%, especially for children calling other children mean names, posting improper messages and inappropriate photos. As many as 26% of all schoolchildren reported that they had been bullied online, with children aged 13 to 15 being bullied the most. The survey done (as seen in the article) shows that children are extremely exposed to cyberbullying and they take little protection against such an issue. This is extremely disturbing as Foong Cheng Leong, an advocate and solicitor mentions some cases of online harassment in his blog

Also, social media may create a new problem for Malaysians. This issue may be explained to our readers through a video by John Oliver, an English comedian who is the host of Last Week Tonight, a satirical weekly news report. 

He first discusses about women being harassed online and proceed to a huge issue of 'revenge porn'. Revenge porn is sexually explicit media that is distributed without the consent of the individual(s) involved. This typically happens when a partner who is bitter about the break up of a relationship posts naked pictures sent by the other partner during their relationship to porn websites without the knowledge and consent of the other partner, causing humiliation and may even ruin the lives of the victim (lose their jobs, their families or turn to suicide). 

Our group agree that this is not an issue of Malaysian society yet, or at least it is not an overblown controversial problem that Malaysians face due to the more conservative culture of Malaysians but it is not an exception to this problem. It may be an issue of the future or it may be an issue we face now. We agree that there must exist criminal rules in the country to protect individuals from such a crime. Also, we propose that tighter regulations should exist for cyberbullying to prevent harassment or stalking, since it is a general consensus among us that all citizens and netizens should feel secure in their own country and in their own home.

Photo credits:

Author: Florence Chong (B1402193)

I Don't Want To Friend You!


A new app called "Unfriend Alert" which claims to let users know when they get removed from someone's friend list is really just a scam designed to steal private information such as name and password.

A security blog called MalwareBytes detailed in its security report that the app sends information to a strange website. Unwanted ads from the app could potentially install unwanted malware on someones computer.

Such apps can be used by cybercriminals to cause harm to their prey as they are armed with private data about individuals. As social media apps become more and more popular, one should always be careful when sharing personal information online and to err on the side of caution when it comes to installing apps on devices.

Article referenced in this post can be found here.

Author: Shasha Fernandez (B1401973)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Just Five More Minutes Ma

Gaming apps, these are horribly addictive and are highly competitive, with new ones pumping out of app stores everyday. People are spending their rest hours on games, putting their health in jeopardy. Gaming app these days uses different techniques, most of them involving psychological ones in order to attract people to be addicted to the game. Look at Candy Crush Saga, according to this articleInitially, the game allows us to win and pass levels with ease, giving a strong sense of satisfaction. These accomplishments are experienced as mini rewards in our brains, releasing the neurochemical dopamine and tapping into the same neuro-circuitry involved in addiction, reinforcing our actions. then it applies the variable ratio schedule of reinforcement which is the same tactic used in slot machines; you can never predict when you’re going to win, but you win just often enough to keep you coming back for more.

Here is a video to introduce the Candy Crush Saga:

Also, it makes you pay for more chances to go at it. Allow this short video enlighten you about the science behind gaming apps these days, in which the characters call it 'Freemium gaming'

Allowing oneself indulge in these gaming are merely putting one in a situation where you might give in to the temptation to buy intangible items of the game just for another five minutes of pleasure. Not only are people spending money unnecessarily, they are spending their time on these mobile gaming apps, reducing productivity and sacrificing their sleep time for one more level. 

This is an issue that is not easily solved by other parties. Only oneself is able to practice discipline upon himself and forgo the instant gratification our nature so desires for a better lifestyle, healthier mind and thicker wallets. 

Author: Florence Chong (B1402193)

tumblr mobile app

This tumblr app allows us to effortlessly share anything whenever we want to, We are able to post text, photos, quotes, videos etc from our mobile phone. Tumblr is more appealing to younger users and most of its users are younger people as compared to other social networks.Users are also able to "reblog" things that they find interesting, basically sharing the post of other people on their feed.

However what some people don't realize is there are consequences with posting pictures and things which we aren't sure are copyrighted or not. It is illegal and tumblr may shut down your account along with everything else you posted. This is what happened to a popular blogger on tumblr as stated in this article .

Therefore it is always important to know the origin of a picture before using it and posting it on sites such as tumblr. Artist and photographers also spend a lot of time capturing this images and it would only be fair to credit them and not post it as our own. In fact we should take our own photos and share the love! Information on how you can post on tumblr safely can be found from this article.

author: Joohijit Kaur (B1203073)

The Dark Side of Online Dating Apps
The dangers of meeting online strangers in real life is not one that is new to most of us. However, with dating apps like Tinder, which allows someone to be matched to another by swiping right on the phone screen, the potential dangers that lurk are not always immediately known.

Tinder uses social media site Facebook to reduce the chances of fake accounts being set up. Naïve young people might be gullible enough to think that it is safe to meet someone from Tinder.

This article provides scary evidence that proper precautions must be taken if going to meet someone online. One must never give out private information about oneself and one should never go out alone with a stranger. 

The article reported about  several sexual assault incidents from Tinder meetings and went on to stress that people met online might not really be who we think they are. T

Tinder can be a convenient way for busy singles to meet new people however, proper caution must be taken to ensure security and privacy are the utmost priority

author: Shasha Fernandez (B1401973)