Monday, June 29, 2015

Just Five More Minutes Ma

Gaming apps, these are horribly addictive and are highly competitive, with new ones pumping out of app stores everyday. People are spending their rest hours on games, putting their health in jeopardy. Gaming app these days uses different techniques, most of them involving psychological ones in order to attract people to be addicted to the game. Look at Candy Crush Saga, according to this articleInitially, the game allows us to win and pass levels with ease, giving a strong sense of satisfaction. These accomplishments are experienced as mini rewards in our brains, releasing the neurochemical dopamine and tapping into the same neuro-circuitry involved in addiction, reinforcing our actions. then it applies the variable ratio schedule of reinforcement which is the same tactic used in slot machines; you can never predict when you’re going to win, but you win just often enough to keep you coming back for more.

Here is a video to introduce the Candy Crush Saga:

Also, it makes you pay for more chances to go at it. Allow this short video enlighten you about the science behind gaming apps these days, in which the characters call it 'Freemium gaming'

Allowing oneself indulge in these gaming are merely putting one in a situation where you might give in to the temptation to buy intangible items of the game just for another five minutes of pleasure. Not only are people spending money unnecessarily, they are spending their time on these mobile gaming apps, reducing productivity and sacrificing their sleep time for one more level. 

This is an issue that is not easily solved by other parties. Only oneself is able to practice discipline upon himself and forgo the instant gratification our nature so desires for a better lifestyle, healthier mind and thicker wallets. 

Author: Florence Chong (B1402193)

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