Sunday, June 28, 2015

LinkedIn mobile app


LinkedIn app is an app which allows you to access the social networking site that is designed specifically for professionally networking. Basically LinkedIn is like a professional facebook. A LinkedIn member's profile emphasizes on employment history and education. "The entire website is designed as an “information rich” system, not a “photo and personal sharing” system liked Facebook and other networks."-Forbes. 

The benefit of LinkedIn is that it is able to aid hiring companies and recruiters to search for professionals who might fit their criteria. Also as employees or if we were on a job hunt we would be able to get introductions to potential employers or colleagues in your field which makes it really convenient for us. 

However, this article  says otherwise. This article shows LinkedIn had negatively affected a man's job search. "One of the many things I did to boost my chances of success was to edit the field just below my name in my LinkedIn profile to remove mention of any specific employer and to more precisely convey the services and expertise I offer." This however turned out to be the opposite of what he expected. LinkedIn sent out an automated email address to the members on his network, asking them to congratulate him on his new job, imagine his shock! People started congratulating him on his profile including a headhunter. Not only did sending out notes asking people to congratulate him seem unprofessional but it also lead potential employers to think that he landed something. This small click of a button was not something that was easy to reverse.  

This shows how misleading LinkedIn can be as a social network. Without a doubt LinkedIn app has become a great app to allow us to discover new jobs opportunities and also to connect with other professionals however we must be careful with what we post and also press on and make sure that LinkedIn is aware of its flaw as mentioned in the article above. 

Author: Joohijit Kaur( B1203073)

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